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Despite Speculation Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Remain Absent

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Skip the 2024 Met Gala

Despite Speculation, Duke and Duchess of Sussex Remain Absent

Royal Family Allegedly Removes Prince Harry's Statement of Support for Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were noticeably absent from the 2024 Met Gala, despite previous speculations about their potential attendance. The royal couple, who have skipped the event in past years, were expected to make an appearance this time around. However, they ultimately decided not to attend, citing their busy schedules.

Amid their absence, news has emerged that the royal family has apparently removed a statement of support from Prince Harry regarding Meghan Markle's decision to date him. The statement, which was previously posted on the official royal website, has reportedly been taken down without explanation.

The reason for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's absence from the Met Gala remains unknown. However, their decision to skip the event has sparked speculation about any potential underlying tensions with the royal family.
