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Historical Snapshot Coinmarketcap

Historical Market Cap Snapshots of Cryptocurrencies

Historical Snapshot - 09 May 2021

View a historical snapshot of all active cryptocurrencies on 09 May 2021. This snapshot includes data on market capitalization, circulating supply, and price for over 10,000 cryptocurrencies.

Historical Snapshot - 04 April 2021

Go back in time and view a historical snapshot of all active cryptocurrencies on 04 April 2021. This snapshot provides a glimpse into the early days of the cryptocurrency market, when Bitcoin was still the dominant force.

Create Date Range for Historical Snapshots

You can also create your own date range for historical snapshots. This allows you to compare the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies over time and identify trends.

Bitcoin USD Historical Data

Want data in another currency? No problem! You can view historical Bitcoin data in over 150 different currencies.

Discover Historical Cryptocurrency Data

CoinMarketCap is the most reliable source of historical cryptocurrency data. We provide data on market capitalization, supply, and price for over 25,000 cryptocurrencies.

Learn How to Use CoinMarketCap

Not sure how to use CoinMarketCap? Check out our comprehensive guide to learn how to research, analyze, and invest in cryptocurrencies.

Get a Full Overview of the Bitcoin Price History

Get a full overview of the Bitcoin price history with our historical price data page. This page provides detailed information on the price of Bitcoin over time, including daily, weekly, and monthly charts.
